

PCV2 is one of the most economically important pathogens in the global swine industry. PCV2 is circulating on almost all swine farms worldwide and the variability of strains has evolved over time. Clinical forms of PCVD are currently the less common outcome of PCV2 infection and in most cases the infected pig has a subclinical infection. Epidemiological models have shown that at farm level the greatest proportion of negative economic impact is attributed to subclinically infected pigs with PCV2 (1). Even if no evident clinical signs are seen, different field evidences indicate that PCV2 vaccination is able to improve productive parameters (average daily gain, percentage of runts and carcass weight) in PCV2 subclinical infection scenarios (2). 

Several co-infections have been found to be associated with the development of PCV2 systemic disease such as PRRSv, SIV and M. hyo, all of which are typically frequent in the grower-finisher pigs. Recent PCV2 epidemiological studies described various prevalence patterns among different farms or batches of pigs. The peak of PCV2 positivity in sera or oral fluids can be reached as late as 16-21 weeks of age (3). 

Circovac provides strong and wide protection thanks to whole virus PCV2 antigen. Circovac rapidly increases anti-PCV2 sero-neutralising antibody titres. Circovac also improves the pig health status by decreasing PCV2 viraemia, faecal shedding and controlling lymphoid lesions. Vaccination has been shown to have reproductive benefits including improved fertility and reduced abortion rate. 

Key features:

  • Strong and safe protection with inactivated whole virus
  • Active immunisation of piglets, gilts and sows
  • Passive protection of suckling piglets 

1) Alarcon, P., Rushton, J. and Wieland, B., 2013. Cost of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome and porcine circovirus type-2 subclinical infection in England–an economic disease model. Preventive veterinary medicine, 110(2), pp.88-102.

2) Young MG, Cunningham GL, Sanford SE. Circovirus vaccination in pigs with subclinical porcine circovirus type 2 infection complicated by ileitis. J Swine Health Prod. 2011;19(3):175–180

3) Hernandez-Garcia, J., Robben, N., Magnée, D., Eley, T., Dennis, I., Kayes, S.M., Thomson, J.R. and Tucker, A.W., 2017. The use of oral fluids to monitor key pathogens in porcine respiratory disease complex. Porcine health management, 3(1), p.7.

Circovac emulsion and suspension for emulsion for injection for pigs. Active ingredient: Circovac® contains inactivated porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). Please refer to the product packaging and leaflets for information about side effects, precautions and warnings.  Legal Category: UK POM- V IE: POM. Further information is available on the SPC.

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